Monday, March 12, 2012


  1. The author is addressing sleep in this poem. Therefore he is using the technique of personification. The poet compares sleep to an embalmer - who is usually a living, breathing person who's job is to embalm people.
  2. Metaphor - "Soft embalmer of the still midnight". The usual job description of embalmers, particularly in the ancient Egypt, included preserving the body in a still position for long periods of time. When a human being sleeps, he is usually motionless and his body is safely preserved as if embalmed for a short period of time. 
  3. Forgetfulness is divine because it enables one to escape from his problems, thoughts, opinions, troubles and etc. The poet uses the quote -  :Enshaded in forgetful divine"- in order to convey the aforementioned ideas of separating from the real world and ascending into the real of peace and quiet.
  4. Sleep saves the poet from his personal troubles, his conciousness and etc. He values it a lot because it is like a geteway for him.  
  5. The speaker describes his conscience as a mole which is digging deeper and deeper into his thoughts/mind. The in-text quote is: "That still lords its health, curious conciousness, burrowing like a mole."
     6.  The poet described his soul as a casket. He does so because he believes that the soul can be used to lock away all of the issues in life. Alternatively, he may have a more negative connotation about his soul and describe it as a "hushed casket" because all of his troubles accumulate there.
     7. Sleep is like death because in most cases you lie around motionless while not giving out any signs of life. Psychologically, most people tend to forget about their daily lives while they are asleep and think of better things in their lives. Sleep is also a great way of stress-relief and enables a human being to rest and regain energy in order to face his issues with a fresh mind next day.
     8.He feels neutral, if not welcoming about death. As Khalil mentioned in class, the poet may even be slightly suicidal or plain tired of his life. Alternately, sleep may be like a safe haven for the author, as he may have had a depressed life with loads of family or career problems.
    9.In "Death not be Proud" the poet is very condemning of death and keeps on mocking, criticizing and shaming Death in numerous ways by linking it to foul things like: War, Poison, Disease and many more. The author of "Death not be Proud" also separates himself from death and even suggests ways of defeating it. However in the second poem, the poet has a much more neutral, if not a welcoming tone. He praises sleep and refers to it as a sole refuge where his mind doesn't have to be bogged down by his troubles. 

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