Sunday, February 26, 2012

Three Text Assignment

Text 1

1)The language and diction of the extract are very simple. They don't really match up to the complexity of a classical novel. I think the author chose to use simple language because he is describing interactions between two ordinary people who seem to have a more rural background. Additionally, there is a lot of 3rd person narrative because the story (at least in this extract) is conveyed through some character's prize.

2)The vocabulary of Paul D is mostly conveyed through songs and poems. The author also uses indirect speech in order to convey Paul D's words.

3)The first poem has more of a negative connotation as it describes the hardship, work and etc. The second poem is more relaxed as Paul D describes how he was pacified by the train passing by and etc.

Text 2
1) Toni Morrison is talking to people in the general community and informing them about how strong and powerful the language can be compared to guns and weapons.
2) She uses strict language to make the reader feel how strong the language can be by using strong words.
3)It's a mixture of academic and literature because it uses a complex grammar structure and traditional vocabulary.
4) By using force to deprive people's will to speak out.

Text 3
1) I understand almost all of the text because I usually listen to rap most of the time I listen to music therefore the vocabulary makes sense to me much more than to someone that barely listen to this kind of music.
2) This song belongs to the hood since soulja boy built his way out of there.
3) This song is specifically target at the people who thought soulja boy would never come back to the industry but now he is going to the studio and making new hits, and he talks about how he is becoming very successful so haters can stop hating. This song is mainly aimed and performed for the younger generation and the people that mainly listen to rap music specifically in America.
4) This song does go against a dominant community because some communities don't even know who soulja boy is and don't listen to these kind of music.

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