Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Discussion Questions for "Mother Toungue"

1) With this situation at the hospital, Tan is trying to prove to the audience that there is a clear border line between language and the way you will end up being treated. The mother obviously is the patient that needs care just like anyone else but due to her heavy accent she receives degrading treatment and therefore asks her daughter to step in and use her professional “English” accent to show the hospital that she is aware of the difference in treatment.

2) The point she tries to make is that her mother is a smart women who speaks daily with her stockbroker and listens to wall treet and communicates with intelligent people, just because she may have a broken second language, does not mean that she isn’t intelligent or does not understand what is happening around her or the language itself.

3) It might be a mixture of both. Since you are doing most of your learning at school then you might grasp your peer’s language and take it with you home which will result in a comparison and usage of words and accents from here and there.

4) Since the SATs is in English Tan found it necessary to link the language with how we see education now in modern day. Her mother also has a large influence on the way she thinks and because this test really requires one to think fast that might have affected her.

5) Because that is the audience that she wants to direct her writing to. She mentions in the essay that she wanted to connect with the audience and use different englishs in her writing to show her audience a bit of her life.

By By: Sara and Suemya

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