Saturday, February 11, 2012

New words on the dictionary

What kinds of words is your generation adding to the dictionary?

there are so many new words that our generation is adding, where im actually quite surprised they did. such as "Bromance", "LBD", "Chillax", these are the type of words us teenagers usually use in our dialogue but never used to consider it proper english. But because these words have been used so much, its starting to become someones nature to say them. these words are the types that we usually use in texting, or other social medias such as Facebook.

Should these words be in the dictionary? Does it make a difference whether they are or not?

they can be added to the dictionary, since as i mentioned its becoming peoples nature to say them, so why not add them to the dictionary? these words all have a meaning, and thats what the dictionary is all about, to add in new words and giving us the definition of these new definitions. it actually makes our english even broader with more option to use both in our dialogue and writing.

Are there contemporary words you use, that are not reflected here?

there are many contemporary words i use usually when talking to my friends which i think they should add to the dictionary too because they're used alot as well. words or more like abbreviations such as "LOL" for example, is used very much.

there are words that i saw in the website i use sometimes. i don't use them extensively but im familiar with some of them. for example i hear "LBD" in movies all the time which is another way of saying little black dress, but it thought was just tv's way of saying it, and never really thought it would be something that would be put in the dictionary.

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