Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Words!

At long last, "bromance" is officially a word...Check out this list of some of the new editions to the Oxford Dictionary of English.  Consider the following questions:

What kinds of words is your generation adding to the dictionary?

Should these words be in the dictionary? Does it make a difference whether they are or not?

Are there contemporary words you use, that are not reflected here?


  1. We tend to be adding new words for the things that we're using now, as every generation does. It just happens that what appeals to us is abbreviations and 'sound English' that doesn't always make sense'.
    Some of these probably shouldn't be added because with ever generation of people, there have been new terms they started made up and started to use. Some of these had staying power and sticked, while others faded away with the fad they started with. Today however, these two-week words are more visible due to being recorded on the internet and such electronic forums. So some time should be given to adding things like this to the dictionary, to see if they'll actaully still be in use ten or so years from now, or just fall away like most things added have.
    There are some things that I personally use that aren't here, which is because what's added reflects what's popular in regions that they come in contact with. So logically, things that are only popular away from Oxford's realm won't be added.

  2. The kinds of word "my generation" (though I think my generation isn't responsible for the economic terms) is adding to the dictionary are mainly ridiculous utterly pointless corruptions of language. The grand majority could be easily expressed using existing words but no new words had to be created some of which are bastard child of two previous words clumsily smashed together.

    It isn't necessary for all of them to be added to the dictionary. Perhaps some of the words that actually are required to describe a new concept that has no other possible word. If the rest were just left out of the dictionary people would be quite welcome to carry on using them it would just leave the dictionary free of monstrosities that have no place in the written word.

  3. Our generation is adding more slang type of words to the dictionary and the words that are used by mostly teenagers all around the world and that express their feelings or emotions.
    In my opinion words such as "chill pill", "buzzkill" & "chillax" wouldn't matter at all if they were in a dictionary or not because its not like a 40 year old man is going to tell his wife "take a chill pill honey!". Our generation has created many words and most of the start to fade away as time passes by and only some of them have the ability to be placed in the dictionary.
    There are a couple of words that I use that are not mentioned in the list but that depends on the place I'm in when I use the words so depending on the time and place I use those words.

  4. What kinds of words is your generation adding to the dictionary?
    The kinds of words our generation is adding to the dictionary are words related to the media and the internet. Usually they are abbreviated words or sounds and they sound like they are in English and thats the most important thing.

    Should these words be in the dictionary? Does it make a difference whether they are or not?
    Yes they should since they are being spoken and other generations may not be familiar with them, ergo having them in the dictionary makes it easy to access the words' meaning.

    Are there contemporary words you use, that are not reflected here?
    There are certain words used that aren't reflected in the dictionary as the dictionary cannot obviously contain words that are so modern. Maybe in the near future they'll be there. Words like buzzbirth (opposite of buzzkill)

  5. A lot of the words we're adding to the English language are abbreviations and shortened/combined words. Every new generation has their own style of language as different events and surroundings of the time affect the way they think. If you look at some of the words on, you can see how many different words are being created daily.

    To me it doesn't matter if a word is in a dictionary or not. Just because a word isn't in a dictionary, doesn't make it not a word. If the word is used on a daily basis, then it shouldn't make a difference as the word would still be used. It would be nice to have a record of the words we create so that when we look back on our language, we can see how it developed.

    There are words that I use that aren't in the dictionary. This is because my language is a mixture of many different languages and different cultures.

  6. previous comment by: Sheikha and Rawda ;;)

  7. What kinds of words is your generation adding to the dictionary?

    - our generation is adding word that they would prefer to use and sound better to them despite the fact that they might not make sense or have no "real" meaning

    Should these words be in the dictionary? Does it make a difference whether they are or not?

    - These words should not be included in dictionaries like the oxford dictionary, where we could end up with a situation where all english words get replaced by the new words generated by the new generations. instead dictionaries today should not change so that they could be used as references for the basic original words that english started out with, and come up with new dictionaries for the new generation. For example the arabic dictionary does not include the new words used in arabic instead it includes the original word and includes with it any letters added to the word that might develop or change the meaning.

    Are there contemporary words you use, that are not reflected here?

    yes there are words i use that are not included in this dictionary and that would be probably because modern words change in different regains around the world therefore it depends on who writes the dictionary and from where they collect these modern words from.

  8. 1) The words we see today are mostly words that make people's life easier and that have a certain feeling to express. Sometimes they might be a combination of two words that just click and sort of sound like they have a real meaning.
    2) I think that they should be in a dictionary due to the fact that they might have a heavy presence in the future. Since the English language is already built on a mixture of words that were added to the language it is necessary that we keep that element of addition and expand the language as much as possible to keep adapting to different times in history. I think it does make a difference since it effects the amount of words we are allowed to use.
    3) Yes, like Englabic, gonna, ya3ni and other words that i attempt to translate into English but they end up sounding weird.

  9. Tala and Dahlia

    What kinds of words is your generation adding to the dictionary?

    Words that are commonly used in every-day conversation are therefore short words that have been derived from old words and created by the current generation. They therefore might not sometimes make sense to members of the previous generations.

    Should these words be in the dictionary? Does it make a difference whether they are or not?

    The way in which a dictionary is looked upon nowadays is that it is present to differentiate between what is proper English and what is slang. If however these new words become part of the dictionary, then they will be considered formal English, which is not what billions of people around the world are used to. It will make a difference when it comes to formal writing and communication, but will not have an effect on casual day-to-day conversation, since those types of conversations do not concern themselves with dictionaries and the words in them.

    Are there contemporary words you use, that are not reflected here?

    They’re all mainly present on the website, but some of the common abbreviations are not. In addition, there are a number of emoticons which could count as words that have not been posted onto the website either.
