Friday, April 27, 2012

1) Give a brief summary of your article, the type of censorship that it's addressing, and the different positions presented.
An over view of the article states that Iran is banning the Simpsons because they do not want their culture to be affected by the western society. In addition their goal is to not influence the younger generation with the western society. For example the article mentions the babie doll that is banned in iran simply because the children are not allowed to play with such figures that have their body exposed with tight cloths, but instead would let their children play with baggy cloths. 
2) What is your opinion on the censorship issue raised in the article?  Explain your position.
We think this is an example of one of Iran's religious based regulations that is known throughout the world as it was seen that the simpsons for them is considered an innapropriate show to be shown on TV, therefore we think that people should respect Iran's regulations because the residences have been following these regulations for a long period of time. 

3) As we saw in the debate, policies on censorship range widely in different countries.  Several fundamental questions about censorship came up such as:
    Is free speech a human right?
Definefetly free speech is a human right all around the world but this "human right" varies from country to country. Some countries such as America, UK, and Sweden have much more freedom of speech where as other countries such as Iran and DPR Korea still do have freedom of speech but to less extends when compared to other western countries. 
    Who has the right to determine what information is available to the public and how are those
    determinations made?
In most countries information gets montiored by the government and at that stage the information that is inappropriate gets censored and the information that does not harm the country and its people get to be displayed. 
    What is the role of the media and to what extent is it obligated to provide information to the public?
Now days media is the voice of the people, and people try to be heard through media. Although media is a really strong weapon, many governments censor the most things that may harm them or their reputation so that the people wouldn't go wild and start a riot. 

What fundamental issues do you see raised by your article about free speech and censorship?
As read in the article the only reason why Iran banned the Simpsons was because the government did not want their people to be influenced by the western culture and society. To Iran, being influenced by other countries was always a big issue and it still is hence they are banning the simpsons shows and toys from Iran.

4) Why do you think censorship is such a controversial issue?  

Censorship is a controversial issue due to the fact that goverments of all countries always try to hide what is happening behind the scene because they know that if the residence of the country found out about it, they would be very bad. Also in some countries such as Iran they try to avoide any influences by the western society because they do not want to become like them, although to many of us that may seem very weird. 

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