Saturday, December 3, 2011

Response To The Speech Presentations

1) Which speech did you find the most persuasive?

Every one’s speech was great. It was moving, touching, and unique. Everyone had a special effect from the tone they made us feel to the language they used. But my favorite speech that stood out the most was Jana’s.

2) why? inspiring delivery? topic? etc...

I found Jana’s speech cute yet powerful and inspiring. Firstly the topic in which Jana spoke about was an issue that most teenagers go through and an issue that causes a huge amount of insecurity in most girls. The topic of what beauty is and should we grow up and think of plastic surgery. The part that really made me love her delivery to the speech was the beginning and the end. She started off with a statement by Marlin Monroe “imperfection is beauty” and she ended her speech with that same exact quote. The only difference was that in the end I actually understood the concept and felt what it actually meant. While in the beginning it was just a quote with a true meaning. But I didn’t really feel or understand the true meaning behind the quote until the end. Let us not forget the passion Jana delivered her speech with. She was so passionate about it that it gave her delivery a solid ground and strength that grabbed most of the audience.

3) What did you do well?

Based on the feedback given by my classmates and friends, I think that my language and my use of literary features were the strongest aspects in my speech. I think I had quite good metaphors that highlighted the tone and topic of my speech. Mainly the metaphor describing the bleeding wound of Palestine. Also, I think that I had a good amount of facts and information about death tolls and the dates in which certain events happened that marked a change, which gave my speech a sense of credibility. Finally, I thought that I spoke with confidence I wasn’t nervous and I wasn’t stuttering while talking. I may have a strong vocal delivery but my body movement was slightly stiff.

4) what could you have done better?

I could have done a couple of things better. For starters I could have delivered it with more body gestures and effects to lessen that stiffness I felt that I had. I could have opened myself more to the audience by walking around the class instead of talking in one place. I could have used my hands and arms more widely to emit the passion I knew I had. A powerful speech will not reach its full potential with only a strong vocal delivery but it also has to have strong and passionate body gestures.

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